Roxana-Mălina Chirilă

Joc cadou – "Frozen Synapse"


Un amic de-al meu a primit cadou un joc și s-a gândit să-l dea mai departe. Ideea e așa:

Frozen Synapse, Metacritic score: 85%, joc indie tare, coloană sonoră mișto. Turn-based.

Ca să citez din critici: „Frozen Synapse is a turn-based game with a distinctly tactical focus and thrilling one-versus-one combat. It feels a lot like chess but with rocket launchers.” (Daniel Shannon,

„Each turn you take in Frozen Synapse is a calculated gamble, which makes the constant cycle of second guesses, tactical sneakiness, and erupting chaos in this turn-based shooter intensely absorbing.” (Nathan Meunier,

„Frozen Synapse takes the old, the stuffy and the traditionally glacial and it makes it brand new, instant and brutal. It’s such an achievement.” (Alec Meer,

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