Roxana-Mălina Chirilă

Big World Network

Interviu cu Wendy Herman: Foiletoane și armată

Nu demult am scris o recenzie a unei cărți de acțiune/dragoste care mi-a plăcut mult mai mult decât mă așteptam: Just Kill Me, de Wendy Herman. În general nu prea citesc romane de dragoste… Ok, minciună. În general nu citesc romane de dragoste, literatură originală. Pe direcția de dragoste citesc fanfiction, care e puțin altceva. Sau foarte altceva. Într-o bună zi chiar o să-mi aduc aminte să povestesc pe blog despre seria mea favorită pe direcția asta, dar nu acum.

Wendy Herman – Just Kill Me [Review]

It starts slowly: Freya’s online-shopping for boots when her youngest child comes up to her with a quarter and says, „Mommy, I’m pretending this is gum.” And, in the way of mothers who are slightly distracted, she doesn’t realize the full implications of that statement until a few minutes later, when she sees him clutching his throat, choking to death while his lips turn blue. Spoiler: he doesn’t die. Not that Freya’s any help: she stands there, frozen, watching him suffocate – but, luckily, one of his brothers saves him.

Re: Re: Boss, here’s my not exactly a pen name (Roxana Kiril)

Jim McGovern, the big boss of the small publishing house I’m writing for, wrote this blog post, musing about authors and their mysterious pen names. Why do we have them? Well, he proposes the obvious: going for the other gender’s target audience, or hiding your true identity, or there already being someone with your name writing stuff out there. And then I got to this part, which I’ll quote: Some of our authors at BigWorldNetwork.

Cărți, știri, foiletoane și romanul meu disponibil gratis

Editura la care public Flight from Hell și-a schimbat stilul de funcționare. Pe scurt: toate romanele sunt disponibile gratis pe site și cei care donează prin Patreon pățesc tot felul de chestii bune. Schimbarea s-a produs azi, cu relansarea site-ului și înscrierea editurii în Patreon. În ce mă privește sunt sceptică cu privire la mișcarea asta a celor de la Big World Network, dar pentru voi e numai și numai o chestie bună.

Flight from Hell – the end of season 2

There’s still a bit to go before the last episodes of season 2 of Flight from Hell are available online, but I’ve already sent them out. (which reminds me, a new episode was posted today) For the past few days I felt lost. I’ve written 2 seasons of Flight from Hell – 12 episodes each, so 24 in total. About 3000 words/episode, give or take. About 70-75 thousand words, I think.

Working with the Big World Network

Flight from Hell is well into its second season by now – the fourth episode is out today and episodes 5, 6 and 7 are ready for when their time will come. 8 has been written, 9 is being written. And the one thing I keep saying this morning is that I have awesome publishers. First of all, the reason why I decided to get a novel published with them is that I absolutely loved the concept.

Flight from Hell – the end of a season

I’m currently uploading the audio for episode 12 of Flight from Hell. That’s the last episode of the season – seeing as I won’t be taking the opportunity for a prolonged holiday, season 2 will start on the tail of season 1, with just one week’s break to mark the change. I’ll be offering little quotes and teasers in a post on Sunday or so (tomorrow I’ll be visiting this Turkish city, forgot its name, with a bunch of Erasmus students, never knew their names).

Plug for Eliza Enea's "Small Steps"

Fairytales coming to life during your University years are often more annoying than magical. Well, just so you know, the South Wing of the university vanished (so no classes, because that’s where they were held) and the roommate with the crossbow isn’t on goblin patrol duty because she went to a werehamster convention, or something like that. It’s the cheerful, absurd, fantastic, fluffy style of the story that brings on the fun.

Discussions on literature (consider us drunk)

Linda’s come over, all the way from the other side of the country. Which is really cool. And conversations are getting really weird. We were talking Flight from Hell and we got to incubi and succubi. Linda: Do you remember how incubi and succubi used to be so rare in fiction? And now they’re all over the place. Me: I swear to God I didn’t know Amanda had a series called Incubus before submitting to the Big World Network.

Flight from Hell – episode 3

Episode three – the final free episode – of Flight from Hell is out. Quote: The way he was still touching the maid-clad woman was both disturbing and as eye-catching as erotica written on dirty sheets by a naked writer with a cigarette between his lips and three-dollar whores serving as muses. Warning: There’s a lot of sex-related stuff in this one (sex Hell, duh). And probably disturbing stuff as well (although I’m sure slash fans and fetishists will enjoy it).