Roxana-Mălina Chirilă

Flight From Hell

Flight from Hell – the end of a season

I’m currently uploading the audio for episode 12 of Flight from Hell. That’s the last episode of the season – seeing as I won’t be taking the opportunity for a prolonged holiday, season 2 will start on the tail of season 1, with just one week’s break to mark the change. I’ll be offering little quotes and teasers in a post on Sunday or so (tomorrow I’ll be visiting this Turkish city, forgot its name, with a bunch of Erasmus students, never knew their names).

The mystery of the 1-star rating

Currently my rating for Flight from Hell over on the Big World Network is of 4.6/5 (with 9 votes cast). You can see it here. But not so long ago it was 4/5 (with 4 votes cast). Reverse it and try to figure out what the possible votes could be: 4*4 = 16, therefore the 4 votes amounted to 16. Possibilities: 4 ratings of 4; 2 ratings of 5, 2 of 3; 3 ratings of 5, 1 of 1.

Discussions on literature (consider us drunk)

Linda’s come over, all the way from the other side of the country. Which is really cool. And conversations are getting really weird. We were talking Flight from Hell and we got to incubi and succubi. Linda: Do you remember how incubi and succubi used to be so rare in fiction? And now they’re all over the place. Me: I swear to God I didn’t know Amanda had a series called Incubus before submitting to the Big World Network.

Flight from Hell – episode 3

Episode three – the final free episode – of Flight from Hell is out. Quote: The way he was still touching the maid-clad woman was both disturbing and as eye-catching as erotica written on dirty sheets by a naked writer with a cigarette between his lips and three-dollar whores serving as muses. Warning: There’s a lot of sex-related stuff in this one (sex Hell, duh). And probably disturbing stuff as well (although I’m sure slash fans and fetishists will enjoy it).

Flight from Hell – episode 2

A reminder that the new episode is out and that it’s free to read and free to listen to. Quote: [H]e leaned his sword against the warm, reddish stone and it occurred to him that the image created was beautiful in a simple, elegant way. When his sword would drop and his blood would seep into the reddish ground, that would be beautiful, too. Read it here.


Cel mai greu e să ștergi. Mă uit pe pagini și pagini de text (8 la dublu spațiu, 2631 de cuvinte) și nici nu știu ce să șterg și ce să las. Sentimentul de frustrare când n-ai o parte rea de care să te legi, n-ai o parte foarte bună pe care să construiești. Îmi vine să arunc la gunoi capitolul și s-o iau de la capăt, doar că n-am condițiile fizice și psihice să rescriu aceeași chestie de o mie de ori până iese.

Flight from Hell – episode 1

The first episode of „Flight from Hell” is out! A dying angel, a strange magician human woman, and a carnivorous horse met in sex-Hell. If this was the beginning of a joke, Nakir couldn't wait to hear the punchline. Check it out on the Big World Network website! New episode every Sunday, first three episodes free – look for Roxana Kiril 😉 Audio version also available (read by yours truly)

Presenting: Flight from Hell by Roxana Kiril (coming next week)

My novel is nearly here. Just a bit over a week and, on August 4th, the first chapter/episode will be launched on the Big World Network. Until then, I’ll be procrastinating with you and sharing little tidbits. Let’s see… where to start, what to say… About 9 years ago I realized being a writer was an option. Picture it: somewhere in Transylvania, there is a village. It has a castle (a very tiny castle) and the castle has a domain.

Teeheheeheee! Varianta audio de la roman sună bine.

Deci, deci, deci! Romanul meu (Flight from Hell, pe monitoare din 4 august :P) o să aibă și o variantă audio. Citită de mine, că de ce nu (între noi fie vorba, momentan îmi urăsc vocea și accentul în engleză. Vocea din inerție, accentul pentru că citesc mult mai puține r-uri decât există în text. „Dă scai uăz ă daacă șeid ăf red, tingin toods dă cală ăf crasted blad.”)

Thoughts around my novel

I’ve finished recording the audio version of the first episode of Flight from Hell and I’ve sent it off to the Big World Network. Meanwhile, I’m writing episode four, which turned a bit surreal on me. Novels do that, I think. Surprise you. You think you have stuff figured out and then there’s this extra bit of richness or of fun lying about, ripe for the writing. Flight from Hell is the sort of thing you don’t plan on writing.