Roxana-Mălina Chirilă

Roxana Kiril

Un blog nou și un banc care a făcut turul lumii

Acum ceva timp aveam o dilemă legată de spațiul online de desfășurare. Pe scurt, îmi place blogul ăsta. E jucăria mea, mă distrează. Mai bag un articol, mai mă uit la o statistică, mai scriu, mai filozofez. Doar că m-am trezit cu o problemă pe care cred că cel mai bine o înțeleg bilingvii: scriind în română, îi alung pe cei care mă citeau în engleză. Pot să chem eu cât vreau cunoscuții anglofoni aici, că văd trei articole în engleză, majoritatea blogului e în română, meniul e în română, secțiunile de una-alta sunt în română.

Re: Re: Boss, here’s my not exactly a pen name (Roxana Kiril)

Jim McGovern, the big boss of the small publishing house I’m writing for, wrote this blog post, musing about authors and their mysterious pen names. Why do we have them? Well, he proposes the obvious: going for the other gender’s target audience, or hiding your true identity, or there already being someone with your name writing stuff out there. And then I got to this part, which I’ll quote: Some of our authors at BigWorldNetwork.

Cărți, știri, foiletoane și romanul meu disponibil gratis

Editura la care public Flight from Hell și-a schimbat stilul de funcționare. Pe scurt: toate romanele sunt disponibile gratis pe site și cei care donează prin Patreon pățesc tot felul de chestii bune. Schimbarea s-a produs azi, cu relansarea site-ului și înscrierea editurii în Patreon. În ce mă privește sunt sceptică cu privire la mișcarea asta a celor de la Big World Network, dar pentru voi e numai și numai o chestie bună.

Flight from Hell – the end of season 2

There’s still a bit to go before the last episodes of season 2 of Flight from Hell are available online, but I’ve already sent them out. (which reminds me, a new episode was posted today) For the past few days I felt lost. I’ve written 2 seasons of Flight from Hell – 12 episodes each, so 24 in total. About 3000 words/episode, give or take. About 70-75 thousand words, I think.

Working with the Big World Network

Flight from Hell is well into its second season by now – the fourth episode is out today and episodes 5, 6 and 7 are ready for when their time will come. 8 has been written, 9 is being written. And the one thing I keep saying this morning is that I have awesome publishers. First of all, the reason why I decided to get a novel published with them is that I absolutely loved the concept.

Flight from Hell – 12 episodes, 12 quotes

All of Season 1 of Flight from Hell has been written, edited, fixed and recorded and is steadily going online every Sunday on the Big World Network. Two episodes to go! So. Flight from Hell is a supernatural/horror series set in Hell (hence the title). The reason is probably the sex – or the mindfuck. Quotes: Episode 1 -- „A dying angel, a strange magician human woman, and a carnivorous horse met in sex-Hell.

The mystery of the 1-star rating

Currently my rating for Flight from Hell over on the Big World Network is of 4.6/5 (with 9 votes cast). You can see it here. But not so long ago it was 4/5 (with 4 votes cast). Reverse it and try to figure out what the possible votes could be: 4*4 = 16, therefore the 4 votes amounted to 16. Possibilities: 4 ratings of 4; 2 ratings of 5, 2 of 3; 3 ratings of 5, 1 of 1.

Discussions on literature (consider us drunk)

Linda’s come over, all the way from the other side of the country. Which is really cool. And conversations are getting really weird. We were talking Flight from Hell and we got to incubi and succubi. Linda: Do you remember how incubi and succubi used to be so rare in fiction? And now they’re all over the place. Me: I swear to God I didn’t know Amanda had a series called Incubus before submitting to the Big World Network.

Flight from Hell – episode 3

Episode three – the final free episode – of Flight from Hell is out. Quote: The way he was still touching the maid-clad woman was both disturbing and as eye-catching as erotica written on dirty sheets by a naked writer with a cigarette between his lips and three-dollar whores serving as muses. Warning: There’s a lot of sex-related stuff in this one (sex Hell, duh). And probably disturbing stuff as well (although I’m sure slash fans and fetishists will enjoy it).

Flight from Hell – episode 2

A reminder that the new episode is out and that it’s free to read and free to listen to. Quote: [H]e leaned his sword against the warm, reddish stone and it occurred to him that the image created was beautiful in a simple, elegant way. When his sword would drop and his blood would seep into the reddish ground, that would be beautiful, too. Read it here.