Roxana-Mălina Chirilă

Virgil Cătălin Călin

Un salut către Yogaesoteric

Astăzi, 14 ianuarie 2013, am fost pomenită în mod oficial de către cineva din MISA. Nu e prima oară când mi se întâmplă, dar e prima oară când mi se dă numele. E o ocazie care merită comemorată. Beau, la fel ca Mihai Rapcea, un ceai negru în cinstea voastră!

Prima oară m-a pomenit Mihai Stoian, liderul Natha (ramura daneză a MISA) și unul din personajele importante din filmul erotico-artistic „The Magic Passage” pe blogul lui:

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"Sucker Love is Heaven Sent" – A Romanian Yoga Cult Under Investigation

„Sucker Love is Heaven Sent” – A Romanian Yoga Cult Under Investigation

MISA spiral meditation - thousands of people holding hands
MISA spiral meditation -- thousands of people holding hands

In Romania, MISA has a dark and worrying public image: an orgiastic, pee-drinking yoga movement, full of strange, incomprehensible practices, spiral meditations, brainwashing and master-worship. The Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute, founded in 1990, has often been featured in the media after it came into public attention in 2004 when the police broke into and searched a number of MISA homes in Bucharest.

The legal prosecution against MISA and its guru, Gregorian Bivolaru, includes accusations such as sex with a minor girl, tax evasion and illegal crossing of the border. Bivolaru escaped to Sweden, where he managed to convince the Swedish court that the violence of the media against him, as well as the context of a post-communist country and the unexpected and rough treatment MISA received in 2004 at the hands of the police involved in the searches were proof enough of his being persecuted in his home country. Due to this, he received political asylum and he supposedly lives in Malmo, Sweden – although former members point out that his actual location may be Paris, France.

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Virgil Călin breaks the silence and responds to MISA. New disclosures about the inquiry in Italy – Part II

[Roxana Chirilă’s note: This is the follow-up of the article I’ve just posted before this one, and it contains some new disclosures from Virgil Cătălin Călin. They were initially posted on Rapcea’s blog one day apart, but I got to both of them now, hence the speed. If you have any connection to MISA, keep reading. This stuff sounds bad. The original Romanian version can be found here. It has pictures. I might get around to adding them – or not.]

II. Message from Cătălin Călin concerning the recent events in Italy, written for all those interested in the truth.

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