Roxana-Mălina Chirilă

Se cer nuvele și romane scurte SF/F (engleză), care sunt o piață excelentă de fantezie și literatură științifico-fantastică (sau fantasy și science fiction, cum vreți să le spuneți) au decis să se extindă. Detalii aici.

Caută texte de cel puțin 17,500 de cuvinte, preferă nuvelele și romanele scurte și acceptă manuscrise trimise fără intervenția unui agen până la sfârșitul lui august, după care vor primi doar manuscrise trimise de agenți literari (și le vor arunca pe celelalte).

Nu dau detalii foarte exacte, din păcate – și nu menționează chestii gen drepturi de autor – dar pentru proză scurtă e piața care plătește cel mai bine de care am auzit (25 cenți/cuvânt) și sunt oameni serioși.

Zic că merită încercată marea cu degetul. (și sper ca de data asta barem să trimit și eu ceva)

Now until August 31, 2014, the editors will review unsolicited submissions from authors. Submissions must be completed manuscripts of original sci-fi and fantasy stories with mainstream appeal. Suggested word length is 17,500 words and above. The editors encourage manuscripts that adopt the benefits of a novella, a serialized novel or a short story collection format. The target readership is mainly adults, but YA material will also be considered. -- See more at:

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<div style="position: absolute; left: -99999px;">
  Now until August 31, 2014, the editors will review unsolicited submissions from authors. Submissions must be completed manuscripts of original sci-fi and fantasy stories with mainstream appeal. Suggested word length is 17,500 words and above. The editors encourage manuscripts that adopt the benefits of a novella, a serialized novel or a short story collection format. The target readership is mainly adults, but YA material will also be considered. -- See more at:</p> 
    Read more at: <a href=""></a><br /> Copyright © -- All content on our website is original and copyrighted in the U.S. and internationally and may NOT be copied, reproduced, or re-printed, online or offline. Use our RSS feed instead. Thanks for respecting our rights and our hard work.</div> 
    <div style="position: absolute; left: -99999px;">
      Now until August 31, 2014, the editors will review unsolicited submissions from authors. Submissions must be completed manuscripts of original sci-fi and fantasy stories with mainstream appeal. Suggested word length is 17,500 words and above. The editors encourage manuscripts that adopt the benefits of a novella, a serialized novel or a short story collection format. The target readership is mainly adults, but YA material will also be considered. -- See more at:</p> 
        Read more at: <a href=""></a><br /> Copyright © -- All content on our website is original and copyrighted in the U.S. and internationally and may NOT be copied, reproduced, or re-printed, online or offline. Use our RSS feed instead. Thanks for respecting our rights and our hard work.</div>

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